All of the products and companies below are ones that we have personally vetted and recommend.

The affiliate links to purchase these products provide a monetary benefit to Kristen Arnold and Team. Our process for selecting the products on this page starts with us investigating the brand, trying it ourselves, and recommending the brand regularly to our clients and athletes in the community. After a period of time performing these tasks we work with the company to set up an affiliate link or code so we receive benefit when recommending the product.

Kristen’s Product Checklist:

  1. Purity: NSF Certified for Sport or a minimum of Good Manufacturing Practices.
  2. Effectiveness: There is evidence to show that the product produces a significant ergogenic response. Basically, it actually does something in your body and isn’t just a placebo.
  3. Taste: It tastes good enough so that athletes will actually use it.
  4. Price: The product is reasonably priced compared to similar products of other brands.
  5. Bonus: BIPOC-owned, woman-owned, trans-owned, LGBTQ+ -owned business, sustainably-sourced ingredients, limited packaging options, B-Corp, intentional and inclusive community involvement from business
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