I’m not a serious athlete. Will you work with me?

Yes! If you move your body with intention or aim to, we will work with you. That being said we specialize in working with women who have performance goals. These performance goals can be anything from walk 3 miles a day to win a world championship. No matter how big or small the goal, we will work towards optimal nutrition strategies to help you better ‘do more’ and/or ‘perform’.

I am a man. I was born male and identify as male. Will you work with me?

Yes! Even though we specialize in working with women we are qualified and experienced in working with male athletes and active individuals. To be frank, the vast majority of sports nutrition research has been conducted on males which has influenced standard practice guidelines and most of what we know about sports nutrition. This makes the treatment more straightforward as information and research is widely available.

I am trans, non-binary, or choose not to specify my gender.
Can I work with you?

Yes! We will explore nutritional needs and strategies within the scope of your hormonal needs, personal experiences, and activity interests.

Whether you are on hormone therapy, have had surgery(s) to align your body with your true self, or merely seek out health care practitioners who are respectful of your identity, we are here for you. We are thrilled to work with people of all gender identities and are regularly educating ourselves on how to best provide care and learn about your fueling needs (WPATH).

I have kids. Can you work with them?

Yes! We have worked with numerous junior athletes and kids on their fueling and nutrition habits in a variety of sports. These sports include but are not limited to soccer, volleyball, all disciplines of cycling, cross country running, equestrian sports, lacrosse, basketball and swimming. We have also created Custom Plans to work with siblings so families can get more bang for their buck in educating and working with their kids on healthy and performance-based life-long nutrition habits.

How do I know when I’m ready to work with you on my nutrition?

When you are ready to make changes in the way you eat and possibly how you think about the way you eat. In behavior change theory (Stages of Change model) we call this the Preparation Stage. You have thought about how you would benefit from working on your nutrition but aren’t quite sure what to do yet so you gather tools and information and hire us! You may have also tried a bunch of different strategies and done your own research and are now ready to work with a professional to sift through the rest of the information out there and provide you with personalized evidence-based guidance and support.

Do you take insurance?

Yes and No. Our Registered Dietitians have NPIs (National Provider Indicator). This means that the nutrition therapy services our RDs provide are able to be covered by insurance companies. For clients interested in using their insurance to pay for services we can fill out a Superbill which is an official form with a diagnostic code which you can take to your insurance company for reimbursement for services. You pay us up front but get reimbursed by your insurance company when you provide them with the Superbill.

Do you offer discounts or sliding scale payment?

Email us about our Scholarship for once a year opportunities to work with us for free. The scholarship is open to 3 athletes per year. We are also totally open for professional trades. If you would like to propose a trade for services with a skill you have, please reach out. We are also open to discounting services for promotional opportunities. If you are an athlete with a social media or PR presence we may be open to providing discounted services in exchange for social media and marketing opportunities. Please email [email protected] if you are interested in a professional trade or discount for promotional opportunities.

Do you offer virtual visits over the phone or on video chat?

Yes and Yes. In fact we prefer virtual visits over in person for one-on-one services. Phone calls or video chats are up to the client. We use Healthie, a telehealth platform for all video consults. Team talks and group nutrition talks we prefer to deliver in person if possible.

How do I cancel services with you?

In order to cancel services with us you are required to send your provider an email stating that you would like to ‘cancel services’ within 14 days of the next billing cycle. If you decide you would like to cancel services within the 14 day window of your billing cycle, the termination of services is up to the owner, Kristen, before you are charged for the next billing cycle. You are billed once per month on the date that you purchased the plan. For example, if you purchased services on October 14 you will be billed on the 14th of every month until termination of services. If you would like to change services from one plan to another you can tell your provider during a consult verbally or you can write your provider an email. There is no fee or deadline to change service plans (for example from the Ultimate Plan to the Advanced Plan).

What if I want to change plans?

You can go up and down plans whenever you’d like for the next billing cycle (each month) as long as it’s at least 14 days before the next billing cycle! Our services are structured in a way that clients can work with us for more hands-on or hands-off approach as needed. Many clients will start with the Ultimate Plan for a few months and then go down to the Advanced Plan or the Fundamental Plan. Other clients will start with the Advanced Plan or the Fundamental Plan and go down to the Maintenance Plan after a few months. Some clients will work with us on the Fundamental Plan but then have a big competition event coming up and hire us for the Ultimate Plan for a month. There is no time requirement notice for changing services for the next billing cycle unless your provider has already created materials for you for the next month (meal plans, custom fueling guides). In which case it is up to the provider to decide what makes sense for the next month’s fee (no fee, additional small fee for materials created).

What happens if I miss an appointment/consult or have to reschedule?

If you need to reschedule an appointment that is no problem at all. We do not have any penalties for rescheduling appointments at any point. If you do not show up for an appointment this is also totally fine. Lots of things happen in life for us to miss a phone or video call without the ability to let us know. It is up to you, the client, to reach out and reschedule with us. As per our policy, we are not obligated to reach out to you to schedule a consult after a no-show. Our full Terms of Services will be provided at sign-up for any service.

What diet do you follow, Kristen?

I live by the philosophy of ‘all foods fit’. That being said, I strive to eat nutrient-dense whole foods (as unprocessed as possible) as the cornerstone of the way I eat. Many of the food choices I make have sustainability in mind (primarily plant-based, locally sourced, limited plastic). Generally I eat a pescatarian diet (like vegetarian plus seafood) but I will eat meat on occasion if it is offered to me as I am a guest in someone’s home or traveling. After racing professionally for years and now traveling in up to 6 countries per month as a team director, I’ve grown to eat what is in front of me and then fill in the gaps when needed :).

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