Women Gravel Cycling Nutrition Study Group

Complete the E-Course with other gravel cycling ladies, share knowledge, and all while getting guidance and support from our pros.

An evidence-based sports nutrition course rooted in practical application designed for women gravel cyclists. Complete the SNFW E-Course + Gravel Cycling add-on in 8 weeks. Do it with peers, share knowledge and experience, have access to Kristen Arnold MS, RDN, CSSD and pro gravel cyclist and sports nutritionist, Anna Hicks, for professional guidance and support, and get the thing done! Committing to learning all the important info there is to know can be daunting. With this program you’ll have a support network both from peers and pros to learn and put the info into practice for all things sports nutrition. We specifically aimed to have this course in the late fall/winter when gravel cycling is at its most gorgeous while also being in a low-key environment to engage in new habits and try new things. Spend some time this fall season learning info and tips to set you up for success in 2025, your best season yet!

Only 10 Spots Available!
Registration Open Now – September 26

What’s Included:

  • Full Sports Nutrition for Women E-Course
  • Gravel Cycling Add-On
  • Access to purchase additional add-ons
  • 8×45 minute weekly zoom calls with Kristen &/or Anna, and other women gravel cyclists – facilitated discussion about module material, Q&A with our pros, worksheet walk-throughs
  • A private Facebook group to engage with other students and the Kristen Arnold and Team practitioners
  • Access to Kristen Arnold MS, RDN, CSSD for individual needs and questions regarding the e-course information

How it Works:

  • Each week, Oct1-Nov21, everyone completes an assigned module (watches a presentation and works on the worksheet) on their own time.
  • On Thursday evenings at 7pmET via ZOOM of that week, Kristen &/or Anna and students (women gravel cyclists) get together online to discuss the module, answer questions, and work on the worksheets together
  • We will also have recordings available to students who are unable to make any of the Thursday study group meetings.
  • Kristen is available for ongoing support, guidance, and feedback on worksheets and individual student needs
  • We are limiting the Study Group to 10 students to foster quality conversation and attention to each student
  • For transparency, the study group price is just $100 extra on top of the SNFW E-Course+Gravel Module

Only 10 Spots Available!
Registration Open Now – September 26

Fuel Potential.
Unleash Potential.
Once a month nutrition tips, recipes, exclusive discounts, and news!

Sports Nutrition for Women FREE E-Book!

Step into the world of peak performance and vitality with our starter guide to Sports Nutrition for Women. Designed to empower female athletes with the knowledge and strategies necessary for optimal performance, this FREE E-Book is your roadmap to success on the field, in the gym, and beyond.